OUR SERVICES-EDUCATION-CPE-Training & Activities-tab


Different programmes are offered as follows:


(A) One-year Residency Programme

Venue: Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Hospital
Requirement: a bachelor’s degree in theology or equivalent, at least 1 CPE unit and 1year experience in Chaplaincy or Christian Ministry.
Subsidy: The confirmed Resident can apply for Allowance and scholarship to subsidize the tuition fee and living expenses however s/he must complete the entire programme. Otherwise, s/he is required to pay the tuition fee.
Application method:
Send your completed Application Form with application letter, CV, copy of graduation certificate of bachelor’s degree in theology and supporting of completion of CPE unit(s) such as copy of Certificate of CPE or copy of final evaluation of from CPE Supervisor and student to the Chaplaincy Department (address: Chaplaincy Department, 1/F, Block A, 11 Chuen On Road, Tai Po, N.T.)












(B) Hospital chaplains, church pastoral staff/ pastoral counselling professionals and full-time students of a Bachelor of Theology/Divinity degree or above





1) Fall Extended Unit of year 2024

Duration: 5 September 2024 to 12 December 2024 (15 weeks)
Study mode: Part-time (every Monday and Thursday)
Deadline of application: 30 June 2024





2) Spring Extended Unit of year 2025

Duration: 6 January 2025 to 17 April 2025 (15 weeks)
Study mode: Part-time (class on every Tuesday,

optional clinical practicum date and location)

Deadline of application: 30 September 2024







  • Total hours for the above programmes under (B) should fulfill at least 400 hours including teaching, supervision and clinical practicum
  • Venue: Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Hospital (all above units). The Centre will conduct programme in Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital and United Christian Hospital (collaborated with Chaplaincy Department of UCH) subject tio Supervisor’s schedule
  • Application fee: HK$200 (non-refundable and non-transferable). For full-time students of theological seminaries, the application fee will become part of the tuition fee upon the acceptance of application
  • Tuition fee: HK$5,000 will be collected after confirmation of study
  • Please make cheque payable to “Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Charity Foundation”
  • Application method: please send the completed Application Form with passport photo and the cheque of application fee to Chaplaincy Department, 1/F, Block A, Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Hospital (c/o CPE Training Centre) 


(C) For Medical School Students of HKU and CUHK – CPE Training for Medical Students 

Date: June and December of every year (1-week intensive course)
Fee: HK$500
Venue: Chaplaincy Department of Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Hospital
Contents: Ward visit, verbatim, role play, life story telling, didactics, etc
Aims: 1) to provide opportunity for medical students in understanding the spiritual needs of patients.
2) To enhance knowledge and awareness of medical students in the holistic care for patients.


(D) For local Nursing Students – CPE Training for Nursing Students

Date: May of every year (1-week intensive course)
Fee: HK$500
Venue: Chaplaincy Department of Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Hospital
Contents: Ward visit, verbatim, role play, life story telling, didactics, etc
Aims: 1) to provide opportunity for nursing students in understanding the spiritual needs of patients.
2) to enhance knowledge and awareness of nursing students in the holistic care for patients