Spiritual Formation
- To develop students’ awareness of spirituality and spiritual care
- To be sensitive of oneself and others’ spiritual need and achievement
- To develop students’ capacity to use spiritual assessment and strategy
- To develop students’ awareness of themselves as ministers and of the ways their ministry affects persons
- To develop students’ awareness of how their attitudes, values, assumptions, strengths and weaknesses affect their pastoral care
- To develop students’ awareness and understanding of how persons, social conditions, systems and structures affect their lieves and the lieves of others and how to effectively address such issues through their ministry
- To develop students’ skills in providing intensive and extension pastoral care and counseling to persons
- To develop students’ ability to make effective use of their religious/spiritual heritage, theological understanding and knowledge of the behavioral sciences in their pastoral care of persons and groups
- To teach students the pastoral role in professional relationships and how to work effectively as a pastoral member of a multidisciplinary team
- To develop students’ ability to engage and apply the support, confrontation and clarification of the peer group for the integration of personal attributes and pastoral functioning
- To develop students’ understanding and ability to apply the clinical method of learning
- To develop students’ abilities to use both individual and group supervision for personal and professional growth including the capacity to evaluate one’s ministry
- To afford students opportunities to become familiar with and apply relevant theories and methodologies to their ministry specialty
- To provide students opportunities to formulate and apply their philosophy and methodology for the ministry specialty
- To provide students opportunities to demonstrate pastoral competence in the practice of the specialty
- Students set their own learning goals
- Combine theory and clinical experience
- Small group discussion facilitated by Training Supervisor
- Integrate medical science with theology, psychology and sociology
- Group discussion
- Action / reflection educational model
- Diversified learning activities