Nethersole Outreaching Rehabilitation Mission (NORM) is the community rehabilitation service founded by Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Charity Foundation. Our service development keeps abreast with the needs of the ageing population and the increasing chronically ill patients in Hong Kong. Currently, NORM mainly provides the following different types of rehabilitation services including:

  1. Home-Based Rehabilitation Service
  2. Community Care Service Voucher for the Elderly (Home based service)
  3. Contract service for Non-Governmental Organizations in Tai Po, and
  4. Other Rehabilitation Service
Home-Based Rehabilitation Service (HBRS)

HBRS is the core service of NORM. It provides domiciliary physiotherapy, occupational therapy and nursing services to patients who lives in Tai Po and are unable to attend the hospital or community centre-based rehabilitation services due to various reasons such as mobility difficulties, remote residence, etc; and it bridges the service gap between the rehabilitation services of public hospital and the community by an unique “Double Based (Hospital & Community based) Rehabilitation Service Model”.

Community Care Service Voucher for the Elderly (Home based service)

NORM provides the home based service of Community Care Service Voucher for the Elderly (NORM CCSV) under the pilot scheme of Social Welfare Department. The service includes physiotherapy, occupational therapy, nursing, home environmental risk assessment, home modification, on-site carer training, escort, personal care and home making services.


Click here to find the leaflet of the Community Care Service Voucher for the Elderly.


For enquiry, please contact Mr. CHIN at 2689 2419 or email to normccsv@nethersole.org.hk

Contract service for Non-Governmental Organizations in Tai Po

NORM had collaborated with many different Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in the past by providing rehabilitation exercise class, mass rehabilitation education, individual rehabilitation consultation to the NGO members in their centre or by home visit, etc.

Other Rehabilitation Service

H.E.A.R.T rehabilitation programme is a three-year pilot programme led by the Cardiologist of Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Hospital (AHNH) with NORM’s physiotherapist, nurse and rehabilitation assistant. With the assistance from AHNH Pharmacist and Dietitian, the programme provides phase II Cardiac Rehabilitation Training to improve the physical fitness and quality of life of the cardiac patients, who has received PCI or suffered from heart failure condition.